Annapurna Universal Foods Pvt. Ltd. is regarded as the benchmark of high quality performance in food industries. The company since its inception has been inspired by the founder’s clear and strict view of highest levels of quality. Every individual becoming a part of the company soon realizes the importance of quality attached to any and every task he/she performs.
With people being the primary drivers of quality performance, the quality of products and processes is positively affected.

Quality control systems and management systems applied in the company are devised to control and enhance processes and produce better performance of people to improve quality of products delivered.
It is strongly believed in the company that improvement of quality comes from finding the root cause of any error, random or system oriented, and see to it that the cause is eliminated. This ensures no further error generation due to that particular event/practice/cause.
Raw material and Final Product are checked regularly for excellence. Our laboratory is equipped and well manned with experienced professionals to carry out chemical and microbiological testing.

The practices that keep on improving provide exceptional checks on every batch to any product on the customer end can be traced back to the very raw material it has been manufactured with. This is the key aspect of Total Quality Management practiced at Annapurna Universal Foods Pvt. Ltd.